Chanmi Software Engineer * Seoul Always open to new challenges

[리뷰] Learning React

#Review #React

[번역] Lodash를 대체하는 순수 자바스크립트 함수

#JavaScript #vanillaJavaScript #lodash

[리뷰] 컨테이너 보안

#container #security

웹 성능 분석 및 최적화 기법 (with Chrome Developer Tools)

#web #optimize #performance #developertools

2020년 하반기 회고

#retrospective #2020 #workfromhome #covid19

Closure in JavaScript

#closure #javaScript #function

useMemo in React

#react #hook #useMemo #memoization

글또 4기를 마치며

#retrospective #geultto #글또4기 #회고

Hooks 살펴보기

#Hooks #React

2020년 상반기 회고

#retrospective #2020 #halfyear #workfromhome #covid19

[번역] 자바스크립트 이벤트 루프

#JavaScript #EventLoop #자바스크립트 #이벤트루프

JavaScript Function

#JavaScript #Function

HOC in React

#React #HOC #HigherOrderComponent #DRY #DonotRepeatYourself

Refs in React

#React #Ref

웹 표준과 크로스 브라우징 이슈

#WebStandard #CrossBrowsing #BrowserCompatibility

글또 4기로 블로그 되살리기

#글쓰는또라이 #글쓰는또라이가세상을바꾼다 #함께자라기 #블로그되살리기

Movie API with GraphQL

Implementing API built with GraphQL and YTS API

Heap Sort

Heap Sort Algorithm

JSX in React

Introducing JSX and why we use JSX with React

Basic React

Let's get started with what is React, why we use React, and what kinds of prerequisites for React

Basic JavaScript

Basic concepts of JavaScript: Data Type, Statement, Scope, and var/const/let keywords

Recursive function with examples

Recursive function is a function either calls itself or is in a potential cycle of function call. Let's deep dive into recursive function with some example.

Array & ArrayList

The difference between Array and ArrayList in Java and the way how to convert Array to ArrayList and vice versa with some simeple example

Reverse String

from LeetCode

Merge Sort

Quick Sort

Selection Sort

Bubble Sort

Java - Collection Framework

Java Collection framework를 통해 Data Structure 이해하기

Overloading vs Overriding

LF Mall Project

Implementing and operating online e-commerce platform built on Spring framework by handling API request, with JavaScript/jQuery/Thymeleaf

ES5 and ES6

New features of ES6 and how does it differs from ES5

Restful and more

What is RESTful API and its features, and the difference between RESTful and SOAP

String in Java

The features of String Class and the difference between == and equals() when comparing object in Java

BLS Report Automation

Generating YouTube campaign reporting tool automation


Setting YouTube video campaigns by dynamically embeding text, audio or image within video ads